shipping articles ne demek?
- Gemi personelinin kaptanla yaptığı anlaşma, gemi çalışma koşulları
shipping accident
- Deniz kazası
- Sefer kazası
shipping agent
- Gemicilik şirketi
- Deniz nakliyecisi
- Sözleşme
- Şirket sözleşmesi
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
shipping accidentshipping agentshipping and handling feeshippingshipping billshipping chargeshipping chargesshipping clerkshipping companyshipping costsshippableshippedshippershipship a seaship biscuitship brokership buildingarticlesarticles and conditionsarticles of agreementarticles of apprenticeshiparticles of associationarticles of impeachmentarticles of incorporationarticles of marriagearticles of merchandisearticles of partnershiparticlearticle artikelarticle in a newspaperarticle numbering associationarticle of commerce