shared printer ne demek?
- Paylaşımlı yazıcı
shared program
- Paylaşılmış program
- paylaşılmış program
shared dasd
- Ortak dasd
- Yazıcı
- Basıcı
Computer peripheral used for exporting documents to paper; owner of a printing press; imprinter, one who stamps or imprints with ink.
- Basımcı, matbaacı
- Kompütörde istenilen bilgiyi kâğıda geçiren aygıt
- Telgraf alıcısı
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
shared programshared dasdshared direct access storage deviceshared directoryshared interestshared librarysharedshared memory systemshared outshared ownershipshareshare and share alikeshare call optionsshare capitalshare certificateprinterprinter characterprinter controlprinter control languageprinter deviceprinter driverprinter modelprinter nameprinter outputprinter performanceprintedprinted bookprinted calicoprinted catalogprinted circuit