serfüru ne demek?

  1. Baş eğme. Söz dinleme. İtaat, inkıyad.


  1. Baş eğmiş. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: serfüru-bürde)


  1. Derebeylik toplum düzeninde toprakla birlikte alınıp satılan köle.
  2. Yemek yemek.
  3. (en)Servant or slave employed in husbandry, and in some countries attached to the soil and transferred with it, as formerly in Russia.
  4. (en)Person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord.
  5. (en)Helot.
  6. (en)Serf.
  7. (en)Villein.
  8. (en)In the feudal system, a person who was bound to the land of his lord and who was transferred with the land when ownership changed.
  9. (en)Peasant Essentially a slave in medieval times.
  10. (en)-a slave.

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