sere ne demek?
- Açık duran başparmağın ucundan işaret parmağının ucuna kadar olan uzaklık, sele.
- Başparmağın ucundan şehadet parmağının ucuna kadar germek suretiyle hasıl olan uzunluk ölç--uşu--. Karıştan küçüktür ve dört sere bir arşın sayılırdı.
Dry; withered; no longer green; applied to leaves.
Sequence of plant communities that successively follow one another in the same habitat from the pioneer stage to a mesic climax.
Dry; withered.
The series of communities that follow one another in a natural succession, as in the change from a bare field to a mature forest.
Same as Sear.
Developmental series of communities a chain of seral stages containing the initial , one or more transitional stages, and a single climax stage.
Claw; talon.
Survival, evasion, resistance, and escape.
The stages that follow one another in an ecological succession.
Having lost all moisture; 'dried-up grass'; 'the desert was edged with sere vegetation'; 'shriveled leaves on the unwatered seedlings'; 'withered vines'.
The organisms in a community at a given point in the successional sequence The final sere is the climax.
The product of succession: the entire sequence of plant communities that successively occupy and replace one another in a particular environment over time.
- Kurumuş (yaprak), sararmış
- Sear.
sere serpe
- Sıkışık olmadan, rahatça, kollarını bacaklarını açarak yatmak.
- Serbest, rahat bir biçimde, çekinmeden
- (C.: Esrab) Yer altında olan ev.