scrotal hematocele ne demek?

  1. Skrotal hematosel


  1. Skrotum ile ilgili
  2. (en)Scrotal, pertaining to the scrotum, pertaining to the pouch of skin that contains the testicles (Anatomy).


  1. Skrotuma ait olan
  2. Bkz. skrotal

scrotal abscess

  1. Skrotum apsesi


  1. Bkz. hematosel
  2. İç kanama
  3. Kanama, vücudun bir boşluğuna kan kaçması

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

scrotalscrotal abscessscrotal frost bitescrotal herniascrotectomyscrobiculatescrobieulatescrodscrofulascrofulodermascrabblescrabble aboutscrabblerscragscrag end of muttonhematocelehematoceliahematocheziahematochometerhematochyluriahematobiumhematoblast
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