scotch tweed ne demek?

  1. İskoç tüvidi.


  1. İskoçya halkından olan kimse.
  2. İskoçya yapısı, İskoçlara özgü olan.
  3. (en)Scot.
  4. (en)Scotsman.
  5. (en)Scotswoman.
  6. (en)Scottish.
  7. (en)Scots.

scotch tape

  1. Selobant, bant, kağıt bantı, seloteyp

scotch terrier

  1. İskoç terriyeri


  1. Yüzü kabarık olarak dokunmuş yünlü kumaş, tüvit.
  2. Tüvit, yün kumaş

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

scotch tapescotch terrierscotch the snakescotch blessingscotch brothscotch cousinscotch firscotch marriagescotchscotch mistscotch on the rocks, pleasescotch pinescotch plaidscotscot and lotscot freescobsscoffscoff at an ideascofferscoffinglytweedtweedletweedledum and tweedledeetweedstweedytweetweaktweaker
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