sap ne demek?
- Bitkinin dal, yaprak, çiçek vb. bölümlerini taşıyan, ağaçlarda odunlaşarak gövde durumunu alan bölüm.
- Çiçek veya meyveyi dala bağlayan ince bölüm, sak.
- Bir aracı tutmaya yarayan bölüm
Bir küçük çekmeceden sapı fil dişi bir revolver çıkarmıştı.
S. F. Abasıyanık - İplik, tire, ibrişim vb. şeylerde iğneye geçirilen bir dikişlik iplik.
- Kabza.
- Demet durumundaki ekinler.
- Erkek.
- Çalgının sap kısmı.
- Taşınabilir alıcıların elde sağlamca tutulabilmesi için altta bulunan çıkıntısı.
- Otsu bitkilerin dalcık, yaprak ve bazen çiçek ve meyve gibi kendilerine ait kısımları az miktarda bulunabilen, bitkiyi taşıyan ana kısmı.
Chopped straw.
Carrying handle, handle, hand-hold.
Narrow ditch or trench made from the foremost parallel toward the glacis or covert way of a besieged place by digging under cover of gabions, etc.
Watery solution of sugars, salts, and minerals that circulates through the vascular system of a plant excavate the earth beneath.
Thumb piece.
Tool shank.
Watery solution of sugars, salts, and minerals that circulates through the vascular system of a plant.
Person who lacks good judgment.
Piece of metal covered by leather with a flexible handle; used for hitting people.
The juice of plants of any kind, especially the ascending and descending juices or circulating fluid essential to nutrition.
Deplete; 'exhaust one's savings'; 'We quickly played out our strength'.
The sapwood, or alburnum, of a tree.
Excavate the earth beneath.
Simpleton; a saphead; a milksop.
Service Access Point The point at which the services of an OSI layer are made available to the next higher layer The SAP is named according to the layer providing the services, e g , Transport services are provided at a Transport SAP at the top of the Transport Layer.
To subvert by digging or wearing away; to mine; to undermine; to destroy the foundation of.
Abbr Service Access Point.
To pierce with saps.
Service Access Point The notional point at which a service user and a layer entity can meet so that services can be offered by the layer entity to the particular user.
To make unstable or infirm; to unsettle; to weaken.
To proceed by mining, or by secretly undermining; to execute saps.
Service Access Point.
Service Advertising protocol SAP packets, along with RIP packets, allow the server to broadcast its known routes and services to the network and obtain this information from other routers on the network.
Service Access Point The connection point between a protocol in one OSI layer and a protocol in the layer above SAPs provide a mechanism by which a message can be routed through the appropriate protocol as it is passed up through the OSI layers.
Service Advertising Protocol is a Novell routing protocol used with RIP.
Systems and Applications Products - the company that supplies the R/3 software which is used for all financial, HR and plant maintenance transactions and reporting at UCT.
Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing A leading ERP software package.
Strategic Action Programme SMAP: Short and Medium-Term Priority Environmental Action Programme SPA and BD Protocol: Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity Protocol SPA/RAC: Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre STAP: Scientific and Technical Advisors Panel.
Service Access Point The interface between one protocol and another in an adjacent layer.
Can stand for: Service Access Point The interface between a layer in the OSI protocol stack and the layer above Generally, SAP is preceded by a letter denoting the layer providing the service Well-known services are associated with well-known SAP numbers Service Advertising Protocol An IPX protocol that routers use to determine how to reach network nodes providing special services It is similar to the RIP routing protocol, except that it exchanges information about services instead of networks.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Federal regulations require that aid recipients make satisfactory progress toward completion of a degree Students must be in compliance with the cumulative GPA; maximum time limit and minimum hours completed requirements.
Systems Applications and Processes.
Most of the fluids in a tree; certain secretions and excretions, such as oleoresin, are excepted.
Standard Assessment Procedures.
The juice of a tree or other plant It transports the materials required for growth.
The technology behind Duke's Project Enterprise See the University of Nebraska's SAP project glossary.
Service Advertisement Protocol.
Systems, Applications, Products in Data Processing A vendor product.
The fluid part of a vascular plant or, more specifically, the material transported via the xylem and the phloem of a tree.
- Altını kazarak yıkmak, temelini bozmak, baltalamak, cop ile yere sermek, ağaçtan yalancı odun çıkarmak
- Bitki özü
- Hayat verici öz
- Ağacın özlü veya canlı kısmı
- (argo) aptal kimse, avanak kimse
- (-ped, -ping) takatini kesmek, tüketmek, bitirmek, mahrum etmek
- Ask
sap açısı
- Telli çalgılarda sap gövdeye oturtulurken sapa verilen açı.
Neck angle.
sap arıları
- Çoğunluk otsu bitkilerde yaşayan, bu arada çeşitli tarım bitkisi için de zararlı görülen, ince uzun vücutlu ve dar kanatlı yabanıl arılar familyası.