santral dogma ne demek?
- Dna'Daki genetik bilginin RNA aracılığıyla proteinlere aktarılması.
Central dogma.
santral amoroz
Central amaurosis
santral emetik
Central emetic.
- Belli bir konuda ileri sürülen bir görüşün sorgulanamaz, tartışılamaz gerçek olarak kabul edilmesi.
- Doğruluğu sınanmadan benimsenen, bir öğretinin veya ideolojinin temeli yapılan sav, nas, inak.
- Bir felsefe okulunda benimsenen, doğru diye ileri sürülen öğreti.
- Doğruluğu sınanmadan benimsenen ve bir öğretinin ya da ideolojinin temeli yapılan sav.
- Bk. inanı
Doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative; 'he believed all the Marxist dogma' a religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof.
Religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof.
Doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative; 'he believed all the Marxist dogma'.
Those beliefs held as established or put forth as an authoritative or expert opinion, often contained in a secondary or tertiary source, but that have little or no supportive empirical evidence from primary sources Medical dogma is usually derived from unevaluated biological hypotheses and uncritical observation or experience without recognition of the effects of chance, natural biological variation, and observer bias An unknown but significant portion of medical practice falls into this category Repetition across secondary and tertiary sources or the number of people, whatever their qualifications, that hold this belief does not change the status of such information Most information conveyed in the instructional setting is given in the form of dogma without the associated information necessary to judge its credibility.
The rigid belief in a set of rules or practices.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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