san ne demek?
- Ün, şan, şöhret
Ne adını sanını ne kalıbını kıyafetini ne oturup kalkmasını ... beğenirdim.
Y. K. Karaosmanoğlu - Saygı veya belirtme sözü, unvan.
- Herhangi bir şeyi, neyse o yapan nitelik, kip karşıtı.
- (Derleme.. unvan sıfatı, unvan grubu) Özel addan önce veya sonra kullanılan sıfat görevli ad: Sultan Ahmet, Ayşe Sultan; Hemşire Ayşe, Ayşe Hemşire; Öğretmen Gül, Gül Öğretmen; Paşa Kâzım, Kâzım Paşa; Binbaşı Ali, Ali Binbaşı; Çavuş Hasan, Hasan Çavuş vb.
- Dilek, istek, arzu.
- Şöhret, ün.
- Nişan, alamet, iz.
- "Benzer, andırır" manalarına gelerek birleşik kelimeler yapılır.
- Sağlam ve muhkem yer.
High-speed subnetwork that interconnects different data storage devices with associated data servers for a large network SANs support disk mirroring, backup and restore, archival and retrieval of archived data, data migration from one storage device to another, and the sharing of data among different servers in a network.
It is a high-speed special-purpose network that interconnects different kinds of data storage devices with associated data servers on behalf of a larger network of users Typically, a storage area network is part of the overall network of computing resources for an enterprise.
Standard Address Number; a unique seven-digit number assigned to every address or organization that deals with the book industry.
Bushmen' - Indigenous hunter- gatherers living at Cape when first Europeans arrived.
Suffix added to a name in direct conversation denoting courteous respect.
An honorific title meaning mister, miss, etc.
Three Sankyu - 3rd brown belt Sayonara - 'Goodbye' Shi - four Shichi - seven Shichikyu - blue belt Shodan - 1st black belt Shorin-ryu Shorinkan - style of karate Sokuto - edge of foot Sokyu - green belt Sumimasen - 'Excuse me'.
Polite suffix meaning Mr , Miss or Mrs.
Storage Area Network.
SAN, Storage Area Network , is a high-speed subnetwork of shared storage devices A storage device is a machine that contains nothing but a disk or disks for storing data A SAN's architecture works in a way that makes all storage devices available to all servers on a LAN or WAN As more storage devices are added to a SAN, they too will be accessible from any server in the larger network In this case, the server merely acts as a pathway between the end user and the stored data Because stored data does not reside directly on any of a network's servers, server power is utilized for business applications, and network capacity is released to the end user.
Network of storage devices and/or storage systems for integrated data management and efficient data sharing in heterogeneous server environment.
An architecture for attaching a shared disk storage device to a server which relies on a dedicated fiber network rather than an Ethernet LAN to make the connection.
Connects a group of computers to high-capacity storage devices May be incorporated into local area networks , metropolitan area networks , and wide area networks.
Storage Area Network A back-end network connecting storage devices via peripheral channels such as SCSI, SSA, ESCON and Fibre Channel There are two ways of implementing SANs: centralized and decentralized A centralized SAN ties multiple hosts into a single storage system, which is a RAID device with large amounts of cache and redundant power supplies The cabling distances allow for local as well as campus-wide and metropolitan-wide hookups over peripheral channels rather than an overburdened network SCSI distances have also been extended Using fiber, Gigalabs' SCSI switches can communicate over 20 km This centralized storage topology is commonly employed to tie a server cluster together for failover.
Storage Area Network, a highly scalable, managed storage infrastructure for gigabit device-level data connections that can offer high system availability, extensive fault tolerance, and low cost of ownership.
Storage Area Network cf DAS and NAS.
Storage Area Network Also referred to as STAN, to differentiate it from System Storage Area Network Browse to SAN for more information.
Storage Area Network is a high-speed subnetwork of shared storage devices A storage device is a machine that contains nothing but a disk or disks for storing data A SAN's architecture works in a way that makes all storage devices available to all servers on a LAN or WAN As more storage devices are added to a SAN, they too will be accessible from any server in the larger network In this case, the server merely acts as a pathway between the end user and the stored data Because stored data does not reside directly on any of a network's servers, server power is utilized for business applications, and network capacity is released to the end user.
Ethnic group living mainly in the Kalahari Desert of Botswana and Namibia The San are also called Bushmen; they are now often known as the Khoi-San The San speak Khoisan languages characterised by click sounds About half of the approximately 50000 San still live as hunter-gatherers They have lived in southern Africa for thousands of years and their paintings grace the walls of caves and gorges throughout the region Since the middle 1700s white settlement has gradually forced them to adopt western lifestyles or retreat to remote desert regions.
Stands for 'Standard Account Number ' A number assigned to libraries, schools and organizations that buy, sell or lend books.
Strong Acid Number.
Japanese for 'three'.
san antonio
- Teksas'ta (ABD) bir şehir
san bernardino
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