ropalyum ne demek?

  1. Bazı.denizanalarının çevresinde bulunan duygu organı.
  2. (en)Rhopalium.
  3. (fr)Rhopalie


  1. Çoğu tek parça kadın giysisi
  2. (en)Woman's one-piece dress.
  3. (en)Acronym for retinopathy of prematurity.
  4. (en)Rate of penetration.
  5. (en)Run of paper An advertisement ordered R O P may be placed on any page in any section of a publication.
  6. (en)ROP is an eye disease that occurs in some premature babies that can result in varrying degrees of detached retina and blindness.
  7. (en)Two-color card that can run any second color for cost effectiveness.
  8. (en)Brokerage firm employee who supervises registered representatives regarding their client's options account activities and their solicitation of new options clients.
  9. (en)Short form for run of paper, sometimes a term used for Display Advertising advertisements published in any position throughout the newspaper/magazine convenient to the make-up of the publication, as distinguished from Classified.
  10. (en)Run of Press Also known as Run of Publication or Run of Paper A purchase of advertising space in a printed medium such as a newspaper or magazine where the location is determined by the publisher's best fit.


  1. Erkeklerin evin içinde kıyafetlerinin üzerine giydikleri üstlük

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

ropropdöşambırroperope coilrope dancer
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