roman ne demek?
- İnsanın veya çevrenin karakterlerini, göreneklerini inceleyen, serüvenlerini anlatan, duygu ve tutkularını çözümleyen, kurmaca veya gerçek olaylara dayanan uzun edebî tür
Hikâyem tıpkı hayalî, hissî bir roman kadar gariptir diye başladı.
Ö. Seyfettin - Bu türde yazılmış eser.
- Çingene.
- Romen.
- Hayali veya hakiki, kitap halinde yazılmış büyük hikaye.
Of or pertaining to Rome, or the Roman people; like or characteristic of Rome, the Roman people, or things done by Romans; as, Roman fortitude; a Roman aqueduct; Roman art.
Of or pertaining to the Roman Catholic religion; professing that religion.
Upright; erect; said of the letters or kind of type ordinarily used, as distinguished from Italic characters.
Native, or permanent resident, of Rome; a citizen of Rome, or one upon whom certain rights and privileges of a Roman citizen were conferred.
Commonly refers to the upright version of a face within a font family, as compared to the italic version.
Type face or type style in which the characters are upright Compare italic and oblique.
CITIZEN OF ROMAN EMPIRE Rome was the seat of world power Rome had conquered the known world at the time of Christ A Roman citizen had rights in any of its conquered providences For example, a roman citizen had rights in Judea because it was a providence of Rome but a Judean citizen who was not a Roman did not have the same rights as a Roman Citizen This gave rise to many issues of class envy and strife Caesar Augustus was the first emperor of Rome and was in power when Christ was born.
The unmodified version of a typeface, with no bold or italics applied.
Term used to describe letters written in an upright style, as differentiated from an Italic style.
An upright letter, as opposed to a sloped, or italic, letter The term also describes a style of type based upon Italian manuscript hands of the fifteenth century.
The Latin alphabet Also used to describe any plain, upright letter Back to top.
Referring to a font; upright and perpendicular to the baseline to top.
Expressed in letters, not in figures, as, I,, i, etc.; said of numerals, as distinguished from the Arabic numerals, 1, 4, etc.
Roman type, letters, or print, collectively; in distinction from Italics.
Typeface used in ancient Roman inscriptions a resident of modern Rome an inhabitant of the ancient Roman Empire of or relating to or characteristic of Rome ; 'Roman architecture'; 'the old Roman wall' relating to or characteristic of people of Rome; 'Roman virtues'; 'his Roman bearing in adversity'; 'a Roman nose' of or relating to or supporting Romanism; 'the Roman Catholic Church' characteristic of the modern type that most directly represents the type used in ancient Roman inscriptions.
Resident of modern Rome.
An inhabitant of the ancient Roman Empire.
Typeface used in ancient Roman inscriptions.
Relating to or characteristic of people of Rome; 'Roman virtues'; 'his Roman bearing in adversity'; 'a Roman nose'.
Of or relating to or characteristic of Rome ; 'Roman architecture'; 'the old Roman wall'.
Characteristic of the modern type that most directly represents the type used in ancient Roman inscriptions.
Of or relating to or supporting Romanism; 'the Roman Catholic Church'.
An upright, normal-weight typeface, whether serif or sans-serif, oldstyle or modern.
The opposite of italic; also used as opposite of boldface, but not at GTS.
Noun A citizen of the Ancient Roman Empire, or of such Also a citizen of modern Rome, or of such.
Type term.
AD 43 - c 410.
Indicating a three-suiter;.
Typeface, widely used in printing It is characterised by the presence of serifs on the letters, and by the vertical lines being slightly thicker than the horizontal lines.
Type which is not italic or bold, e g like this.
- Romalı, latin harfleri, romen, katolik, roma kilisesine st. Paul'ün yolladığı mektup
- Roma'ya veya Romalılara ait
- Roma mimarisine ait
- Gen.h
roman clef
- Kişi ver yer adlarının uydurulduğu roman
- Gerçek kişi veya yerlerin uydurma isimlerle gösterildiği roman.
roman a clef
- Kişi ver yer adlarının uydurulduğu roman