robotbilim ne demek?
- Robotların tasarımı, yapımı için kullanılan bilimsel yöntemleri inceleyen bilim ve teknik.
- Başkasının buyruğu ile iş yapan, kendi akıl ve iradesini kullanmayan kimse.
- Belirli bir işi yerine getirmek için manyetizma ile kendisine çeşitli işler yaptırılabilen otomatik araç.
- Bk. özdevinir
- Fr. Elektrikle veya mekanik yollarla hareket ettirilerek çeşitli işler yaptırılabilen otomatik cihaz.
Browser programs, which are not under human control, accessing web pages and following hypertext links, such as search engine spiders.
An automated software that crawls all over the Web for information to place in a database The robot follows links and collects the information it finds at the end of each link Search engines send these crawlers out periodically to add information to their search databases.
Also known as a 'Spider,' a robot is a machine which scours the World Wide Web, examining URL's and bringing descriptions of them back to a database, usually for use by a WWW search engine.
Computerised machine designed for a wide variety of manufacturing functions such as material handling and automobile assembly 2 often referred to as bot, a computer program that automatically searches, and compiles data or responds to queries such as email ListBot is a robot of this type.
Reprogrammable, multifunctional, mechanical manipulator that typically employs one or more means of power: electromechanical, hydraulic, pr pneumatic Industrial robots have been used chiefly for spray painting, spot-welding, and transfer and assembly tasks A robot performs its tasks in a physical area known as the robot operating work envelope This work envelope is the volume swept by all possible programmable robot movements, and includes the area where work is performed by robot tooling.
Program that automatically searches the World Wide Web for files Top.
robot controller
- robot denetleyici
- Robot denetleyici