ring ne demek?
- Üzerinde boks yapılan, çevresi kordonla çevrilmiş yer.
- Yüzük
- (rang, rung)çalınmak, ses vermek
- Daire içine almak, çembere almak
- Çınlama sesi
- Ses çıkarmak
- Çalmak, çınlatmak, şıngırdamak, kuşatmak, , halka geçirmek, yüzük takmak, halka biçiminde doğramak,
- Etrafını sarmak, çevrelemek
- Halka
- (kimya) atomlardan meydana gelen halka
- Ticaret veya siyasette nüfuzunu kendi çıkarlarına kullanan şebeke
- Çan ile ilân etmek
- Bkz. anülus
- Çember indikatörü, (Veri İletişimi'nde) telefonun çaldığına dair modemden (DCE) bilgisayara giden (DTE) sinyal, RI
Prize ring.
See Illust.
Of Sporangium.
To rise in the air spirally.
Jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal worn on the finger; 'she had rings on every finger'; 'he noted that she wore a wedding band' a square platform marked off by ropes in which contestants box or wrestle a characteristic sound; 'it has the ring of sincerity' the sound of a bell ringing; 'the distinctive ring of the church bell'; 'the ringing of the telephone'; 'the tintinnabulation that so volumnously swells from the ringing and the dinging of the bells'--E.
Boxing ring.
Circular route followed by a ship.
Characteristic sound; 'it has the ring of sincerity'.
Toroidal shape; 'a ring of ships in the harbor'; 'a halo of smoke'.
Rigid circular band of metal or wood or other material used for holding or fastening or hanging or pulling; 'there was still a rusty iron hoop for tying a horse'.
Chain of atoms in a molecule that forms a closed loop.
An association of criminals; 'police tried to break up the gang'; 'a pack of thieves'.
The sound of a bell ringing; 'the distinctive ring of the church bell'; 'the ringing of the telephone'; 'the tintinnabulation that so volumnously swells from the ringing and the dinging of the bells'--E A Poe.
Square platform marked off by ropes in which contestants box or wrestle.
Jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal worn on the finger; 'she had rings on every finger'; 'he noted that she wore a wedding band'.
Strip of material attached to the leg of a bird to identify it.
Sound loudly and sonorously; 'the bells rang'.
Ring or echo with sound; 'the hall resounded with laughter'.
Make ring, often for the purposes of musical edification; 'Ring the bells'; 'My uncle rings every Sunday at the local church'.
Be around; 'Developments surround the town'; 'The river encircles the village'.
Get or try to get into communication by telephone; 'I tried to call you all night'; 'Take two aspirin and call me in the morning'.
Attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify; 'ring birds'; 'band the geese to observe their migratory patterns'.
Classification of network technology exemplified by Token Ring and FDDI The interconnected devices are connected one-to-another in the shape of a ring and data flows around it in one direction See also Counterrotating Ring.
Polarity designation of one wire of a pair indicating that the wire is that of the secondary color of a 5-pair group 2 A wiring contact to which the ring wire is attached 3 The negative wiring polarity.
Circular area on the trading floor of an exchange where floor traders and floor brokers stand while executing futures trades.
Network topology in which each node is connected to form a circular configuration 2 A unidirectional cycle that is created by connecting the links of one or more GigaRing node chips A GigaRing channel is normally configured to contain two counter-rotating rings, but may be configured to contain one folded ring GigaRing.
In the Church a ring is worn as part of the insignia of bishops, abbots, et al ; by sisters to denote their consecration to God and the Church The wedding ring symbolizes the love and union of husband and wife.
Sequence of nonintersecting chains or strings and arcs, with closure A ring represents a closed boundary, but not the interior area inside the closed boundary.
To cause to sound, especially by striking, as a metallic body; as, to ring a bell.
To make , as by ringing a bell; to sound.
To repeat often, loudly, or earnestly.
To sound, as a bell or other sonorous body, particularly a metallic one.
To practice making music with bells.
To sound loud; to resound; to be filled with a ringing or reverberating sound.
To continue to sound or vibrate; to resound.
To be filled with report or talk; as, the whole town rings with his fame.
Sound; especially, the sound of vibrating metals; as, the ring of a bell.
Any loud sound; the sound of numerous voices; a sound continued, repeated, or reverberated.
Chime, or set of bells harmonically tuned.
Circle, or a circular line, or anything in the form of a circular line or hoop.
Specifically, a circular ornament of gold or other precious material worn on the finger, or attached to the ear, the nose, or some other part of the person; as, a wedding ring.
Circular area in which races are or run or other sports are performed; an arena.
An inclosed space in which pugilists fight; hence, figuratively, prize fighting.
Circular group of persons.
The plane figure included between the circumferences of two concentric circles.
The solid generated by the revolution of a circle, or other figure, about an exterior straight line lying in the same plane as the circle or other figure.
An instrument, formerly used for taking the sun's altitude, consisting of a brass ring suspended by a swivel, with a hole at one side through which a solar ray entering indicated the altitude on the graduated inner surface opposite.
An elastic band partly or wholly encircling the spore cases of ferns.
Clique; an exclusive combination of persons for a selfish purpose, as to control the market, distribute offices, obtain contracts, etc.
To surround with a ring, or as with a ring; to encircle.
To make a ring around by cutting away the bark; to girdle; as, to ring branches or roots.
To fit with a ring or with rings, as the fingers, or a swine's snout.
Poe a toroidal shape; 'a ring of ships in the harbor'; 'a halo of smoke' attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify; 'ring birds'; 'band the geese to observe their migratory patterns' sound loudly and sonorously; 'the bells rang' make ring, often for the purposes of musical edification; 'Ring the bells'; 'My uncle rings every Sunday at the local church'.
Classification of network technology exemplified by Token Ring and FDDI The interconnected devices are connected one-to-another in the shape of a ring and data flows around it in one direction See also 'Counterrotating Ring'.
Network configuration in which all computers and devices are connected to a circular pathway See star and bus.
Connected set of edges that composes the face border Any single ring is only referenced to and by a single face If the same set of edges is shared by two different faces, two rings that correspond to the two faces are created from the single edge set Rings only occur at level 3 topology.
Circular area on the trading floor of an exchange where traders and brokers stand while executing futures trades Some exchanges use pits rather than rings See Pit.
The set of files currently being edited are arranged in a ring formation.
Network topology that connects network devices in a continuous loop.
One of the wires that make up the local loop, Ring is the connected ring on the jack that was used when operators use to switch the calls Also the term for the energy on a POTS line that allows the telephone to ring.
Set of nodes wherein information is passed sequentially between nodes, each node in turn examining or copying the information, finally returning it to the originating node.
Set of stations wherein information is passed sequentially between stations, each station in turn examining or copying the information, and finally returning it to the originating station.
Network topology in which the nodes are connected in a closed loop Data is transmitted from node to node around the loop, always in the same direction.
Mathematical system that has two operations, usually called addition and multiplication A ring is an abelian group with respect to addition Multiplication is associative and distributive with respect to addition.
In networking, a topology in which the physical medium is distributed to form a closed loop Often used to assure high availability of the transport medium.
Network configuration in which devices are connected via a closed path, single-direction transmission link.
As in Tip and Ring One of the two wires needed to set up a telephone connection See Tip.
In land-use and transit planning, the approximate area between 1/4-mile radius and 1/2-mile radius from a rail transit station, representing about a 10 to15-minute walk to the station Also refered to as the 'neighborhood.
This is a spell Duration Spells with a Ring duration last for as long as a ring drawn by the caster remains intact and the Target of the spell remains inside it This is often used for spells with a Circle target This has the same difficulty as casting at Moon duration, but is a different Duration.
An area on a trading floor where futures or equities are traded.
Type of network topology where the devices are connected to a continuous conductor.
- Çınlak
- Zili çalmak
- Çalkanmak (şöhret ile)
- Tesir etmek (söz)
- Çalmak
- Çınlatmak
- Çan sesi
- Ahenk
- Akis.ring down tiyatro perdeyi indir işareti vermek
- Bir şeye son vermek
- Etrafına halka çekmek, etrafını kuşatmak, çember içine almak
- Halka veya yüzük takmak
- Halka şeklinde soymak (ağaç kabuğu)
- Halka meydana getirmek
- Helezonlar halinde yükselmek
- Halka şekline girmek
- Halka, daire
- Çember
- Güreş meydanı
- Halka veya daire biçiminde.
ring a bell
- Bir şey hatırlatmak
ring a ring oroses
- Ninni/bebek ezgisi; çocukların bir çember etrafında dans ederek ve bir tekerleme ezgisini söyleyerek döndükleri ve "herkes çöksün" dizesini duyduklarında hepsinin aşağıya çömeldiği çocuklar tarafından oynanan bir oyun (Yazılışı: ring a ring o'roses)