retinal atrophy ne demek?
- Retina atrofisi
- Ağ tabaka.
- Gözün en iç tabakası, ağ tabaka.
- Ağ tabaka
- Bk. ağ tabaka
- Ağ tabaka.
- Ağ tabaka.
See Eye.
The light-sensitive membrane covering the back wall of the eyeball; it is continuous with the optic nerve.
The retina is the light-sensitive layer of tissue that lines the back of the eyeball, sending visual impulses through the optic nerve to the brain.
Layer of fine sensory tissue that lines the inside wall of the eye The retina acts like the film in a camera to capture images, transforms the images into electrical signals, and sends the signals to the brain.
retinal anjiyomatozis
Angiomatosis retinae
retinal autolysis
- Retina otolizi
- Dumura uğratmak
- Bedenin zayıflayıp kuruması
- Körelmek, köreltmek
- Gıdasızlıktan zayıflama
- Dumura uğramak
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
retinal anjiyomatozisretinal autolysisretinal degenerationretinal dejenerasyonretinal detachmentretinalretinal dysplasiaretinal hemorrhageretinaldehidretinaretina atrofisiretina ayrılmasıretina dejenerasyonuretina dekolmanıretin aatrophyatrophiaatrophicatrophic cirrhosisatrophic gastritisatrophiedatropaatropa belladonnaatrociousatrociouslyatrociousnessatrocityatrofiATRatrabatrabilatrabileratrabilious