restore s.t. to its owner ne demek?

  1. Bir şŸeyi sahibine iade etmek.


  1. Eski durumuna veya ilk biçimine getirilmiş.
  2. (en)Restored.
  3. (en)To store again; as, the goods taken out were re-stored.
  4. (en)To bring back to its former state; to bring back from a state of ruin, decay, disease, or the like; to repair; to renew; to recover.
  5. (en)To give in place of, or as satisfaction for.
  6. (en)To make good; to make amends for.
  7. (en)To bring back from a state of injury or decay, or from a changed condition; as, to restore a painting, statue, etc.
  8. (en)To form a picture or model of, as of something lost or mutilated; as, to restore a ruined building, city, or the like.
  9. (en)To refurbish a building or other asset to its original condition.
  10. (en)Function that allows users to copy files from the backup storage pool to an on-line storage device.

restore a king to the throne

  1. Kralı yeniden tahta geçirmek


  1. -e
  2. -e doğru, yönüne doğru, tarafına
  3. Ile
  4. -e kadar, -e değin, derecesine kadar
  5. -e dair
  6. -e nazaran, -e nispetle
  7. -e göre
  8. Hakkında, için
  9. Mak, mek (mastar edatı).
  10. -e dogru

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

restorerestore a king to the thronerestore buttonrestore edenrestore edilebilirrestore etmerestore etmekrestore smb. to libertyrestore smb. to liferestore torestoragerestoranrestoran müdürürestoran nerederestoranda müşteriyi karşılayan görevlis.t.b.
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