restitüsyon ne demek?

  1. Yeniden tasarımlama.
  2. (en)Reassembling as it originally was.
  3. (en)Restoring to its original shape.
  4. (en)Plan according to which a building is reassembled or reconstructed.


  1. Gene, yine, bir daha, tekrar
  2. (en)Afresh.
  3. (en)Again.
  4. (en)All over.
  5. (en)Anew.
  6. (en)Afresh tekrar.
  7. (en)Over again from the beginingi.
  8. (en)Once again.
  9. (en)Once more.
  10. (en)De novo.


  1. Iade etmek


  1. Iade ederek

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

restituterestitutingrestitutio ad integrumrestitutioinintegrumrestitution
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