resource accounting and budgeting ne demek?
- Rab
- Tanrı.
- Super glue yöntemi ile görünür h
- Doldurmak. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: ra'b)
- Vasat, orta boylu.
The lord.
Rod or stick used by masons in mixing hair with mortar.
Raid Advisory Board An organization of storage system manufacturers and integrators dedicated to advancing the use and awareness of RAID and associated storage technologies Started in 1992, RAB states its main goals as education, standardization and certification.
RAID Advisory Board.
Restoration Advisory Board.
Resource Accounting and Budgeting.
- Oyalayıcı şey, uğraş
- Vasıta, yardımına başvurulacak kimse
- Kaynak
- Çare
- Dayanak
- Beceri, çözüm bulma yeteneği
resource allocation
- Özkaynak atama
- Özkaynak ayırtımı
- Saymanlık
- Hesap verme
- Muhasebe yöntemlerinin uygulanması
- Muhasebe
- Yemin içmek, yemin etmek.
- (İngilizce) ve, ile, de
- (bağlaç) ve, de, ile
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
resourceresource allocationresource allocation formularesource allocation frameresource allocation viewresource managementresource meterresource oriented industriesresource reservation setup protocolresource sharingresoundresoundingresounding slapresoundinglyresoleresoledresolubleresoluteresolutelyaccountingaccounting booksaccounting controlaccounting costaccounting costsaccounting cycleaccounting dataaccounting departmentaccounting equationaccounting estimateaccountaccount abstractaccount activityaccount agreed uponaccount analysis