repo ne demek?
- Bankalar arası işlemlerde bir gecelik faiz uygulaması.
- Faiz.
- Geri alma taahüdü ile yapılan satış işlemi.
- Kısa vadede garanti ve sabit getiri sağlayan finansal araç. Repo için örnek menkul kıymetler: devlet tahvilleri, hazine bonoları.
Repurchase agreement.
An agreement in which one party sells a security to another party and agrees to repurchase it on a specified date for a specified price See: repurchase agreement.
Purchase of Treasury securities from a securities dealer with an agreement that the dealer will repurchase them at a specified price.
Another name for a repurchase agreement.
Contract in which the seller of securities, such as Treasury Bills, agrees to buy them back at a specified time and price Also called a repurchase agreement.
Financial transaction in which one party 'purchases' securities for cash and simultaneously the other party agrees to 'buy' them back at some future time according to specified terms Municipal bond and note issuers have used repos to manage cash on a short term basis.
Allocations of NERSC resources are made to repositories , which are group accounts In general, a repo has many users, working on a common scientific project, lead by a single PI Any charges incurred by a user must be drawn from the account belonging to some repo See the Accounts web page.
Reproduction - normally refers to accessories or cards.
- Repo uygulayan veya repoya para yatıran kimse.
- Repocu olma durumu.