regulatory statute ne demek?
- Tüzük
- Herhangi bir kurumun veya kuruluşun tutacağı yolu ve uygulayacağı hükümleri sırasıyla gösteren maddelerin hepsi, nizamname, statü.
- Nizâmnâme.
- Charter.
- Code.
- Constitution.
- Covenant.
- Rule.
- Standing rule.
- Statute.
- Bylaw.
regulatory accounting principles
- Rap
regulatory accounts
- Nazım hesaplar
- Kural, kaide
- Ferman
- Kanun, yasa, nizam
- Emir, hüküm
- Kaideye göre
- Kurallı
- Statü, tüzük
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
regulatory accounting principlesregulatory accountsregulatory and supervisory agenciesregulatory discardregulatoryregulatorregulator generegulator problemregulatableregulateregulate toregulatedregulated fisheryregularegulableregularregular accountregular armystatutestatute barredstatute bookstatute heykelstatute lawstatute milestatute of limitationsstatutabhstatutairstatuarystatuary reservesstatuestatue makerstatue of libertystatstatestate agencystate auditorstate bank