reducing vibration ne demek?
- Damping
- Ucuzluk.
- Rakiplerini piyasadan kaçırmak veya yok ederek piyasayı ele geçirmek ya da aşırı stokları eritmek amacıyla bir malın dış piyasa fiyatının iç piyasa fiyatından daha düşük tutulması.
- İng. Bir pazarı elde etmek veya bir malı elden çıkartabilmek için benzerlerinden çok düşük fiyatla satma.
Sale at reduced prices.
The reduction of the magnitude of resonance by the use of some type of material The damping material converts' sound to energy, then disperses the energy by converting it to heat.
The reduction of movement of a speaker cone, due either to the electromechanical characteristics of the speaker driver and suspension, the effects of frictional losses inside a speaker enclosure, and/or by electrical means.
Diminishing the intensity of vibrations.
Dissipation of oscillatory or vibratory energy with motion or with time Critical damping Cc is that value of damping that provides most rapid response to a step function without overshoot Damping ratio is a fraction of Cc.
Causing vibrations to stop, usually by the use of friction In suspension systems, this is commonly done either by direct rubbing friction, or by pistons forcing fluids through small openings.
In resonant circuits, the decay of oscillations due to the resistance in the circuit.
- Indirgen, zayıflatıcı, zayıflama
- Kısma, azalma, küçültme
reducing agent
- Indirgen madde
- Bkz. vibrasyon
- Sarsılma, tereddüd, heyecan
- Titreme, sallanma
- Titreşim
- Sallanış
- Salınım
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
reducingreducing agentreducing couplingreducing dietreducing equivalentreducing flamereducing gasreducing shorteningreducing sugarreduciblereducible algebraic equationreducible differential equationreducible integerreducereduce s.o. to silencereduce the pricereduce toreduce to absurdityvibrationvibration freevibration galvanometervibrationalvibrational analysisvibrational degrees of freedomvibrational normal modesvibrational specific heatvibratilvibratilevibratingvibrating reed instrumentvibratevibrate tovibraculumvibrafonvibraharpvibranvibrance