rectal examination ne demek?

  1. Rektal muayene


  1. Rektumla ilgili, rektum yoluyla.
  2. Rektumdan kaynaklanan
  3. (en)Rectal, pertaining to the rectum and anus, pertaining to the final section of the intestines and the anus.
  4. (en)Rectal.

rectal examination glove

  1. Rektal muayene eldiveni


  1. ), (anat.) rektuma ait.
  2. Anal yolla, rektuma ait


  1. Sınav, imtihan
  2. Muayene
  3. Kontrol
  4. Soruşturma, tahkikat
  5. Teftiş, tetkik
  6. Bir hastalığı teşhis amacıyla hastayı muayene etme
  7. Bkz. ekzaminasyon
  8. İnceleme, yoklama
  9. Sorgu

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

rectal examination gloverectalrectal alimentationrectal applicationrectal capsulerectal diverticulumrectal emulsionrectal exitrectal glandrectal incontinencerectarecrec.recarecacrecahexaminationexamination inspactionexamination of cadavreexamination of witnessexamination paperexamination scheduleexaminationalexaminationsexaminableexaminable costs
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