receiving sth ne demek?
- Tesellüm
- Verilen bir şeyi alma, teslim alma.
- Alma, alış, ala.
- Teslim edilen şeyi tekrar teslim alma.
Receiving sth.
Receiving a consignment of goods.
Taking delivery of.
Taking delivery.
receiving station
- Alıcı istasyon
receiving set
- Ahize, alıcı
- Büyüme hormonu.
Somatotrophic hormone.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
receiving stationreceiving setreceiving sufficient attentionreceiving a scholarshipreceiving actreceiving amplifierreceiving and concealingreceiving cashierreceivingreceiving circuitreceiving environmentreceiving frequencyreceiving orderreceivablereceivable accountreceivable debtreceivable itemreceivablesSTHsth acquired very cheaplysth having time limitationssth that brings consolationsth which comes fromsth which contains masticsth which costs moneysth which has drawbackssth which has happenedsth which has sidesstST 3115 Sahra Talimnamesist georgest intervalist kuyruğu