re ne demek?
- Türk alfabesinin yirmi birinci harfinin adı, okunuşu.
- Gam (II) dizisinde do ile mi arasındaki ses.
- Renyum elementinin simgesi.
- Lâtince tekrar anlamına gelen ön ek.
- Restriksiyon enzimi.
- Syllable applied in solmization to the second tone of the diatonic scale of C; in the American system, to the second tone of any diatonic scale.
- The syllable naming the second note of any major scale in solmization.
- Abr Regarding, about.
- Code Reenlistment code.
- Renewable Energy.
- Reissue.
- Regreeting', or 'Hello again'.
- Chemical symbol for Rhenium.
- Frigerated Warehouse: A warehouse that is used to store perishable items requiring controlled temperatures.
- Prefix signifying back, against, again, anew; as, recline, to lean back; recall, to call back; recede; remove; reclaim, to call out against; repugn, to fight against; recognition, a knowing again; rejoin, to join again; reiterate; reassure.
- Combinations containing the prefix re- are readily formed, and are for the most part of obvious signification.
- The two-character ISO 3166 country code for REUNION.
- Religious Education.
- Reissue A re-issued or reprinted item Not the original print or pressing.
- Restriction enzyme, re.
- Prep. filanca, falan, hakkında, dair
- Tekrar, yeniden, geri, geriye
- Reformed Episcopal, Right Ex cellent, Royal Engineers.
- Edat dair, hakkında, e ait, meselesinde.
- ), (müz.) gamda ikinci nota, re.
- Önek geri, geriye doğru: recall retrace
- Tekrar, yeniden: readdress, rearm
re act
- Tekrar oynamak
re affirmation
- Teyit