re ne demek?
- Türk alfabesinin yirmi birinci harfinin adı, okunuşu.
- Gam (II) dizisinde do ile mi arasındaki ses.
- Renyum elementinin simgesi.
- Lâtince tekrar anlamına gelen ön ek.
- Restriksiyon enzimi.
Syllable applied in solmization to the second tone of the diatonic scale of C; in the American system, to the second tone of any diatonic scale.
The syllable naming the second note of any major scale in solmization.
Abr Regarding, about.
Code Reenlistment code.
Renewable Energy.
Regreeting', or 'Hello again'.
Chemical symbol for Rhenium.
Frigerated Warehouse: A warehouse that is used to store perishable items requiring controlled temperatures.
Prefix signifying back, against, again, anew; as, recline, to lean back; recall, to call back; recede; remove; reclaim, to call out against; repugn, to fight against; recognition, a knowing again; rejoin, to join again; reiterate; reassure.
Combinations containing the prefix re- are readily formed, and are for the most part of obvious signification.
The two-character ISO 3166 country code for REUNION.
Religious Education.
Reissue A re-issued or reprinted item Not the original print or pressing.
Restriction enzyme, re.
- Prep. filanca, falan, hakkında, dair
- Tekrar, yeniden, geri, geriye
- Reformed Episcopal, Right Ex cellent, Royal Engineers.
- Edat dair, hakkında, e ait, meselesinde.
- ), (müz.) gamda ikinci nota, re.
- Önek geri, geriye doğru: recall retrace
- Tekrar, yeniden: readdress, rearm
re act
- Tekrar oynamak
re affirmation
- Teyit