ratio scaled data ne demek?
- Oransal ölçümlü veriler
- Oran ile ilgili.
- Hiçbir kökü olmayan cebirsel bir ifade için kullanılır.
ratio scale
- Oransal ölçek
- Katsayı
- Bkz. rasyo
- Nispet, oran
- Oran, orantı
- Pul pul olmuş
- Pullu
- Veri.
- Aslında kendileri ekonomik olmayan ancak ekonomi dünyasını dışarıdan kuşatan veya çerçeveleyen, nüfus, teknik bilgi, hukuk düzeni ve yönetim biçimi ögelerinden her biri.
- Veri
- See Datum.
- Data can be defined in many ways Information science defines data as unprocessed information Data is converted into information, and information is converted into knowledge For the purposes of Enterprise, data is a small unit of information, i e a learner's name or an exam mark.
- Term that describes the BITS, BYTES, etc, that a computer stores and manipulates Data processed in a useful way becomes information.
- Factual information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation.
- Formalized representation of facts or concepts suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by people or automated means ' The term 'data' is often used to refer to the information stored in the computer.
- Alpha and numeric characters which are processed by a computer 2 Facts or information gathered for a specific purpose.
- Digital information or just information, depending on the context.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
ratio scaleratioratio analysisratio decidendiratio detectorratio estimatorratio meterratio of functionsratio of geometrik progressionratio of transformationratibratiberatibeharraticratificationscaledscaled inscalescale analysisscale armorscale armourscale beamscalascala mediascala tympaniscala vestibuliscalabilityscabscab itscab laborscab labourscab mite