punt ne demek?
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To play at basset, baccara, faro.
Or omber; to gamble.
To punt a football.
Kick in which the football is dropped from the hands and kicked before it touches the ground; 'the punt traveled 50 yards'; 'punting is an important part of the game' an open flat-bottomed boat used in shallow waters and propelled by a long pole propel with a pole; 'pole barges on the river'; 'We went punting in Cambridge' kick the ball.
Appropriate time.
Flat bottomed boat propelled up by means of a long pole thrust against the bottom of the river, or shallow water Punting is a very popular activity in the Summer term, especially on the Cherwell It is not as difficult to manage as it looks, although occasionally the choice has to be made of parting from the pole or the punt [University].
When a player 10 yards behind the center catches a snap, drops it and kicks it before it hits the ground; an opponent tries to catch and advance it the other way.
Kicking technique used by goalkeepers The goalkeeper drops the ball and kicks it before it touches the ground.
The hollow in the base of a wine bottle The French term is Pointe.
When a goalkeeper kicks the ball high down field toward the opposing goal.
Formerly the basic unit of money in Ireland; equal to 100 pence.
An open flat-bottomed boat used in shallow waters and propelled by a long pole.
Kick in which the football is dropped from the hands and kicked before it touches the ground; 'the punt traveled 50 yards'; 'punting is an important part of the game'.
Kick the ball.
Propel with a pole; 'pole barges on the river'; 'We went punting in Cambridge'.
Place a bet on; 'Which horse are you backing?'; 'I'm betting on the new horse'.
Act of playing at basset, baccara, faro, etc.
Flat-bottomed boat with square ends.
It is adapted for use in shallow waters.
To propel, as a boat in shallow water, by pushing with a pole against the bottom; to push or propel with exertion.
To kick before it touches the ground, when let fall from the hands.
The act of punting the ball.
To boat or hunt in a punt.
Kick in which the ball is dropped from the hands and kicked with the instep before it reaches the ground Punts usually occur when it is fourth down for a team that does not want to risk losing possession by trying for a first down, but is too far away from the opponent's goal line to attempt a field goal.
Kick on which the ball is dropped and kicked before it reaches the ground A goal cannot be scored with a punt.
Type of kick used to get the ball downfield, usually on fourth down The punter takes a long snap from center, and then kicks the ball before it hits the ground.
The dome shaped indentation in the bottom of a wine bottle.
This is the concave indentation in the bottom of certain wine bottles--especially those containing sparkling wine.
When a team kicks the ball because they can't score.
Goalkeeping distribution technique where the ball is dropped from the hands and then kicked off the laces of the soccer shoe.
Semimythical land that the Egyptian texts refer to as a source for trade Its exact location is still unclear, but it was south of Egypt, perhaps in modern day Somalia.
To bump someone from behind, usually causing a spin Tactic perfected by many popular NASCAR drivers.
When the ball is dropped from the kicker's hands and kicked before hitting the ground.
- Amerikan futbolunda top yere düşmeden tekme ile çelmek, topu uzağa tekmelemek
- Top yere düşmeden tekme ile çelme.
- Altı düz sandal
- Böyle sandalı sırıkla sürmek.
- Kumar oynamak, bahse girmek, topa havada vurmak (rugby), sırıkla itmek (sandal), tekne ile gitmek (nehir)
- Faro denilen iskambil oyunu ile kumar oynamak.
punt karesi
- İki ana babadan gelen gametlerin birleşmesiyle meydana gelebilecek zigot tiplerini belirlemek için kullanılan, dama tahtası gibi karelerden oluşan, bütün fenotipik ve genotipik oranları karşılaştırmanın mümkün olduğu bir metot.
Prick, sting, bite, tingle.