puantiyeli kumaş ne demek?

  1. (en)Polka dot.


  1. Bir çeşit Polonya dansı.
  2. Bu dansın müziği.
  3. (en)Dance of Polish origin, but now common everywhere.
  4. (en)It is performed by two persons in common time.
  5. (en)The national dance of Wisconsin.
  6. (en)Dance in 2/4 time coming from Bohemia.
  7. (en)Lively Bohemian or Polish dance tune in 2-4 measure, with the third quaver accented.
  8. (en)Bohemian dance with 3 steps and a hop in fast time music performed for dancing the polka.
  9. (en)This dance was introduced to society in 1844 Every now and then it is revived because of its boisterous charm It was supposed to have been originally created by a Bohemian girl The basic step consists of a preparatory hop followed by a chasse done first to the left then to the right Curiously enough, it reappeared in the 1940's in the Cha Cha as one of the more popular steps Still danced quite often throughout the country.
  10. (en)Tune in 2/4 or 4/4 time, distinctive uneven clap/clap - clap rhythm.


  1. (en)Spotted, spotty, polka dot.


  1. Fransız yeni izlenimci ressamlar tarafından yaygın olarak kullanılmış bir resim tekniği.
  2. Noktacılık.


  1. Pamuk, yün, ipek vb.nden makinede dokunmuş her türlü dokuma
  2. Varlığı ve kişiliği oluşturan nitelik veya malzeme.
  3. (en)Fabric.
  4. (en)Materials.
  5. (en)Cloth.
  6. (en)Material.
  7. (en)Stuff.
  8. (en)Contexture.
  9. (en)Drape.
  10. (en)Woof.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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