pruning shears ne demek?
- Budama makası, bahçe makası
pruning saw
- Budama testeresi
pruning hook
- Budama bıçkısı
- Büyük makas, kırkma makası, metal kesme makası
- ), (çoğ.) makas
- Makarayı tutan vincin iki kolu.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
pruning sawpruning hookpruning knifepruningpruneprune awayprune offprunellaprunella collarisprudeprudenceprudencyprudentprudent investmentshearsshearshearshearshear a sheepshear angleshear jointshear legssheashea buttersheafsheaf of cornsheaf of firesheshe assshe bearshe cant take a jokeshe couldnt hold the candle to her sister