proton ne demek?
- Atom çekirdeğinde her biri (+1) pozitif elektrik yükü taşıyan tanecik.
- Hidrojen atomunun çekirdeği.
- Bk. önelcik
- Atom çekirdeğinin yapısında bulunan pozitif (+) yüklü parçacıklar.
- Yükü elektronunkine eşit ve artı imli kütlesi
- 6726X 10-24 g. olan ve atomların çekirdeğini oluşturan kalımlı temel parçacık.
- Hidrojen atomunun çekirdeği olan temel parçacık.
- Pozitif yüklü çekirdek parçacığı.
- Yun. Atom çekirdeğinde pozitif yüklü zerrecik. (Bak: Delil-i inayet)
- One of the basic particles which makes up an atom The proton is found in the nucleus and has a positive electrical charge equivalent to the negative charge of an electron and a mass similar to that of a neutron.
- Protons are heavy nuclear particles carrying a positive electrical charge Along with neutrons, they are the principal components of atomic nuclei It has a mass of 1 67 x 10-24 grams, 1836 times the mass of an electron Protons are composed of two 'up' quarks and one 'down' quark.
- Positively charged particle of an atom The charge and relatively large mass of protons account for the Bragg peak effect.
- Positively charged particle that is a constituent of an atom It has a mass similar to a neutron.
- Particle found in a nucleus with a positive charge Number of these gives atomic number Back to top.
- One of the basic particles that makes up an atom The proton is found in the nucleus and has a positive electrical charge equal to the negative charge of an electron and a mass similar to that of a neutron: a hydrogen nucleus.
- Fundamental particle with a positive charge commonly found in the nucleus of atoms.
- Positively-charged subatomic particle that is found in the nucleus of an atom It has about 1800 times more mass than its negatively-charged electron counterpart.
- Basic particle in an atom's nucleus that has a positive electrical charge.
- Subatomic particle possessing positive charge.
- Subatomic particle with a positive charge that is nucleus of hydrogen atom.
- Positively charged particle in an atomic nucleus.
- Particle of mass unity carrying a unit positive charge; it is identical physically with the nucleus of the ordinary hydrogen atom All atomic nuclei contain protons See Nucleus.
- Proton.
- Proton, hydrogen ion.
- Stable particle with positive charge equal to the negative charge of an electron.
- The positively charged part of an atom The number of protons determines which element the particle is It is part of the nucleus More about protons.
- Common subatomic particle found in the nucleus of every atom, often along with neutrons Made of two up quarks and one down quark, a proton has a positive charge.
- Positively charged particle that is located in the nucleus of an atom.
- Subatomic, or elementary, particle with a single positive charge equal in magnitude to the charge of an ELECTRON and a mass of 1; very close to that of a NEUTRON; the nucleus of a HYDROGEN ATOM is composed of a single proton.
- Positively charged elementary particle that forms the nucleus of the hydrogen atom and is a constituent particle of all nuclei.
- Positively charged particle that is found in the nucleus of an atom and has a mass approximately 1836 times that of an electron.
- One of the elementary particles of nature The proton has a charge of 1 6 x 10-19 Coulombs and a mass of 1 67 x 10-27 kg, much higher than an electron The proton resides in the nucleus of an atom, sharing the space with neutrons, neutrally charged particles.
- One of the basic particles of the atomic nucleus Its charge is as large as that of the electron, but positive See also: Electron, Neutron.
- Sub-particle of an atom that contains a positive charge.
- Proton
- Proton
- Proton
- Proton.
- Yükü eksiciğinkine eşit ve karşıt imli, kütlesi eksiciğinkinin 1840 katı olan kararlı temdi parçacık.
- Yükü eksiciğinkine eşit ve karşıt imli, kütlesi eksiciğinkinin 1840 katı olan kararlı temdi parçacık.
- Proton.
- Proton
- Proton
proton acceptor
- Proton akseptörü
proton akseptörü
- Bir asit-baz reaksiyonundaki proton alıcı.
- Proton acceptor.