program ne demek?
- Yazılım
- Belirli şartlara ve düzene göre yapılması öngörülen işlemlerin bütünü, izlence
Ne yapacaksa, yapmada kurar, hatta programını yanındakilere de söylerdi.
Ö. Seyfettin - (Bilgisayar) program. (--med/--ed) bilg. programlamak.
- Bilgisayara bir işlemi yaptırmak için yazılan komutlar dizisi.
- Yapılacak bir işin bölümlerini, bölümlerin sırasını ve zamanını gösteren tasarı.
- Okullarda, haftanın belli günlerinde, belli saatlerde verilecek dersleri gösteren çizelge.
- Tören, gösteri, gezi vb.nin öngörülen ayrıntılarını gösteren basılı kâğıt.
- Siyasi partinin, toplumsal örgütün veya hükûmetin açıkladığı ana ilkelerin tümü.
- Radyo ve televizyonda sunulan, haber, müzik, eğlence gibi kendi başına bir bütün oluşturan yayınlardan her biri.
- (elektronik hesap makinaları) çalışma yönergesi, düzen
- Bk. çizeylem
- Izlence
- Programlamak, planlamak
- Bk. oyun izlencesi
- Bk. izlence dergisi
- Fr. Yapılacak işler için önceden hazırlanmış tasarı. Plan.
- Belli bir çalışmanın amacını, bölümlerini, yöntemini ve süresini gösteren plan.
Set of instructions that tells a computer how to perform a specific task.
Program is a series of instructions for a computer, telling it what to do or how to behave The terms 'application' and 'app' mean pretty much the same thing It is however different from an applet Program is also the verb that means to create a program, and a programmer is one who programs.
Sequence of instructions that a computer can execute Synonymous with software.
Coherent assembly of plans, project activities, and supporting resources contained within an administrative framework, whose purpose is to implement an organization's mission or some specific program-related aspect of that mission For purposes of this policy statement, a PHS financial assistance program refers to a program that carries out its mission by supporting activities in other organizations through the grant or cooperative agreement mechanism.
List of instructions for the computer to follow to process data See also Software.
Sequence of instructions for the computer that implements an algorithm, especially when stored in a file in the form of either directly-executable object code, or source code for an interpreter or compiler When loaded into memory and executed, the object-code program typically becomes a process.
Collection of instructions that tell the computer what to do.
Magic spell cast over a computer allowing it to turn one's input into error messages More seriously: A program is a combination of computer instructions and data definitions that enable computer hardware to perform computational and control functions A program is designed to systematically solve a certain kind of problem.
Same as Programme.
Set of instructions in code that, when executed, causes a computer to perform a task.
Set of instructions for a computer that lets the computer perform a specific task Programs that perform tasks directly relating to what a person would want to do are called application software, to distinguish them from system software.
Complete sequence of computer software instructions necessary to provide an application, solve a specific problem, perform an action, or respond to external stimuli in a prescribed manner As a verb, it means to develop a program.
Program (me.
Set of instructions to a computer to turn user input into error messages Any complete set of related instructions to a computer at any level of abstraction.
Thing that tells the calculator to do stuff More specifically, a program is a list of instructions for the processor to execute.
Lead in.
Set of instructions for the computer; operating systems are related sets of programs that take care of most of the 'housekeeping' chores, while applications are programs which allow the computer to perform useful tasks.
Order paper.
Set of actions or instructions that a machine is capable of interpreting and executing or the act of creating a program.
System of projects or services intended to meet a public need; 'he proposed an elaborate program of public works'; 'working mothers rely on the day care program'.
Computer instructions to perform a related set of tasks The Linux kernel and WordPerfect application are examples of programs.
Series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished; 'they drew up a six-step plan'; 'they discussed plans for a new bond issue'.
Sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute; 'the program required several hundred lines of code'.
An integrated course of academic studies; 'he was admitted to a new program at the university'.
Used as a noun - a series of instructions which tell a computer what to do Used as a verb - the act of writing or revising a program.
Radio or television show; 'did you see his program last night?'.
Performance at a public presentation; 'the program lasted more than two hours'.
Document stating the aims and principles of a political party; 'their candidate simply ignored the party platform'; 'they won the election even though they offered no positive program'.
An announcement of the events that will occur as part of a theatrical or sporting event; 'you can't tell the players without a program'.
Arrange a program of or for; 'program the 80th birthday party'.
Write a computer program.
Set of instructions to be executed by a computer Same as software.
Programs often refers to computer programs, but can refer to such things as advertising campaigns as in 'a banner ad program.
Series of coded Instructions that performs specific tasks when executed by a computer A program can be written in a processor-specific language or a high-level language that can be implemented on a number of different processors.
This is simply a list of instructions for the computer to carry out when you click a button or type a letter It will generally let you input data, and then spit it back out in the form that you want There are programs for word processing, games, you name it.
Coordinated set of USAID-financed activities directed toward specific goals For example, maternal and child health, nutrition, education and family planning activities designed to promote the spacing of children may comprise a program to reduce infant deaths.
In essence a set of statements that the computer executes to perform operations A full application such as a word-processor or a Web browser is a complex program The terms software, application and program tend to be used interchangeably in general useage.
Also COMPUTER PROGRAM--These terms indicate the special sequence of instructions that make the circuitry inside the CONSOLE behave according to your desire The instructions or program are delivered to MEMORY to be read later by the circuitry in the CONSOLE The instructions tell the circuitry what to do It's the CASSETTE RECORDER which will save the special sequence of instructions known as the PROGRAM from day to day.
- Programme , (-med, -ming) program
- Programlamak, program yapmak
- Düzenle- mek
- Bir bilgisayarda donanıma hayat veren ve bilgi işlemde kullanılan programlar, yordamlar, programlama dilleri ve belgelemelerin tümü.
- Donanımla beraber çalışan program parçacıkları.
- Bk. izlence
- Bilgisayara bir işlemi yaptırmak için yazılan komutlar dizisi.
Computer program.
Programme d'ordinateur
program akış şeması
Program flowchart
program bağlama
Program linking.