produce market ne demek?
- Tarım ürünleri piyasası
- Emtia ve zahire piyasası
- (uygurca'da) kadınlara verilen bir unvan.
- Gerekli, yararlı bitkileri yetiştirmek amacıyla toprak üzerinde yapılan çalışmaların bütünü, ziraat.
- Topraktan çeşitli ürünler elde etmeye ve geniş anlamıyla hayvancılığa da dayanan yaşamsal etkinlik.
- Bkz. ziraat
- İnsanların hayvansal, bitkisel ve diğer maddelere olan gereksinimlerini karşılamak için planlanmış değişik üretim sistemlerini kapsayan geniş bir terim.
- Akarsuyun dağıldığı yer, delta
- Verim almak için toprak üzerinde yapılan çalışmaların tümü.
- Göllere, kumluklara dökülen çay kolları.
- (C.: Tıram) Kara çadır.
produce a click
- Tikirti yap
produce broker
- Üreticilerin mallarını pazarlayan simsar
- Emtia komisyoncusu
- Borsa acentesi
- Özellikle her türlü yiyecek maddesinin, ev, büro, mağaza vb. yerlere ait gereçlerin satıldığı dükkân.
To expose for sale in a market; to traffic in; to sell in a market, and in an extended sense, to sell in any manner; as, most of the farmes have marketed their crops.
The world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and sold; 'without competition there would be no market'; 'they were driven from the marketplace' the securities markets in the aggregate; 'the market always frustrates the small investor' the customers for a particular product or service; 'before they publish any book they try to determine the size of the market for it' engage in the commercial promotion, sale, or distribution of; 'The company is marketing its new line of beauty products' buy household supplies; 'We go marketing every Saturday'.
The world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and sold; 'without competition there would be no market'; 'they were driven from the marketplace'.
The securities markets in the aggregate; 'the market always frustrates the small investor'.
The customers for a particular product or service; 'before they publish any book they try to determine the size of the market for it'.
Marketplace where groceries are sold; 'the grocery store included a meat market'.
Engage in the commercial promotion, sale, or distribution of; 'The company is marketing its new line of beauty products'.
Buy household supplies; 'We go marketing every Saturday'.
Deal in a market.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
produce a clickproduce brokerproduce bubbleproduce by ignitionproduce exchangeproduceproduce foamproduce toproducedproducerprodprod continuallyprod s.o. into actionprodderproddingmarketmarket agencymarket analystmarket areamarket cartmarket coverage ratemarket daymarket dealermarket demandmarket disruptionmarkemarke etmekmarkedmarked by interruptionsmarked by repetition