polo gömleği ne demek?
- Uzun ya da kısa kollu, devrik yakalı, düğme patı göğsün ortasında biten, örgüden spor.
- At üzerinde sopayla oynanan bir tür top oyunu, çevgen.
Game of ball of Eastern origin, resembling hockey, with the players on horseback.
Similar game played on the ice, or on a prepared floor, by players wearing skates.
Game similar to hockey played by swimmers.
Ball game played in BATs in swimming pools, the object being to score goals Rules are similar to those of soccer, etc , and the game has been likened to gladiatorial combat.
Pullover shirt that has two to four buttons in a shortened placket with a soft collar.
Shirt normally with a vertical slit, and three buttons at collar.
Spanish gypsy dance characterized by energetic movements of the body while the feet merely shuffle or glide, with unison singing and rhythmic clapping of hands.
Game similar to field hockey but played on horseback using long-handled mallets and a wooden ball Venetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century and served Kublai Khan.
Venetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century and served Kublai Khan.
polo neck
- Boğazlı, balıkçı yaka, polo yaka