plutonic theory ne demek?
- Hutton kuramı
plutonic rocks
- Derinlik kayaçları
- Yerin derinliklerinde kayalaşmış
- Jeol
- Teori
- Kuram
- Nazariye
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
plutonic rocksplutonicplutonianplutonik kayaçlarplutoniumplutoplutocracyplutocracy plutokrasiplutocratplutokrasiplutarchpluteuspluteus larvasıpluteus larvasitheorytheory basedtheory extensiontheory kuramtheory oftheory of absolute advantagestheory of actiontheory of cellular patologytheory of comparative advantagestheory of continental drifttheorbotheoremtheorem of sinestheorem of tangentstheorem of the cosine