plato ne demek?
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Ancient Athenian philosopher; pupil of Socrates; teacher of Aristotle.
Greek philosopher; disciple of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle , known for creating the philosophical foundations of Western culture.
As one of the most prominent and influential philosophers in ancient history, Plato's writings have laid the foundation to many social and political subjects Plato became teacher and founder of the first known institution of education called the ACADEMY in Athens Of all the dialogues he wrote, the last story of his work called CRITIAS - wherein he describes the seaport and island of Atlantis, is perhaps the most famous.
Greek philosopher Circa 427 BC-347 BC.
Rhetoric is 'the art of winning the soul by discourse.
Held that the best or 'just' state is a class-structured aristocracy ruled by 'philosopher-kings.
An Athenian, Plato was the student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle Of the philosophical works he wrote, 25 dialogues, some letters, and the Apology survive He was concerned primarily with the nature of knowledge and the study of ethics and politics In the third century, Plato's ideas were combined with Stoic and Aristotelian philosophy to form the Neoplatonic school of thought that was to have a pervasive influence on later, particularly Renaissance, philosophers.
Greek philosopher, one of the most creative and influential thinkers in Western philosophy Plato, one of the most famous philosophers of ancient Greece, was the first to use the term 'philosophy', which means 'love of knowledge' Born around 428 BC, Plato investigated a wide range of topics Chief among his ideas was the theory of forms, which proposed that objects in the physical world merely resemble or participate in the perfect forms in the ideal world, and that only these perfect forms can be the objects of true knowledge The goal of the philosopher, according to Plato, is to know the perfect forms and to instruct others in that knowledge.
Computer-based educational system.
Greek philosopher.
- Platon, eflatun
- Eflatun, Plato.
- Akarsularla derin bir biçimde yarılmış, parçalanmış, üzerinde düzlüklerin belirgin olarak bulunduğu, deniz yüzeyinden yüksek yeryüzü parçası, plato
- Dağlık, yüksek bölgelerde, kışın hayat şartları güç olduğu için boş bırakılan, yazın havası iyi ve serin olan, hayvan otlatma veya dinlenme yeri.
- Genellikle yüksek koyaklarla derince yarılıp parçalanmış düz yüzeyler.
- Taban yerlerdeki meralar otlatıldıktan sonra yalnız yaz aylarında otlatılan yüksek rakımlı meralar, yaz merası.
- Deniz yüzeyinden yüksek, yaz mevsiminde oturulan serin ve yüksek yerler.
Table land.
Summer range.
plato amiri
- Bk. düzlük yönetmeni
plato buzulu
- Bk. yayla buzulu