planet disli ne demek?
Planet gear
- Gezegen.
Object revolving in an approximately circular orbit around a star[?] See also: asteroid.
Solid object in motion about a star If it is very small, it is called an asteroid See also Brown Dwarf.
Astronomy: spherical and massive celestial body orbiting around the Sun or around an other star Astrology: object of the Zodiac that individually and collectively more or less influences the human beings, in one or several life sectors Esotericism: physical body of an entity considerably more evolved than a human being.
One of the principal nonluminous bodies in orbit around the Sun or another star There are nine in the Solar System.
Celestial body which revolves about the sun in an orbit of a moderate degree of eccentricity.
It is distinguished from a comet by the absence of a coma, and by having a less eccentric orbit.
See Solar system.
Planet is a relatively large object that orbits a star Actually the definition for exactly what can be called a 'planet' is uncertain, and there are no specific lower size limits The planet Pluto by all logical accounts is too small to be a full-fledged planet, yet orbits the Sun in an independent orbit and was originally judged a planet However, it is smaller than Earth's Moon, and there may well be other objects as large orbiting the Sun However, there are definite upper limits to the size of a planet Objects with masses about ten times that of Jupiter form a class of objects intermediate between stars and planets They are called 'brown dwarfs ' Brown dwarfs give off too much energy to be planets, yet they are too small to exhibit the full nuclear fusion processes that defines stars.
Spherical ball of rock and/or gas that orbits a star The Earth is a planet Our solar system has nine planets These planets are, in order of increasing average distance from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
planet gear
- Planet disli
planet seyyare
- Gezegen
- Engel, olumsuzluk.
- Önek zıt oluş
- Uzaklaştırma
- Ayrı
- Olmayan (olumsuz bir kelimenin anlamını kuvvetlendirici ek)
- Yapılan bir şeyi bozma anlamına gelen bir önek.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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