pigment ne demek?
- Canlı bir organizmanın oluşturduğu, ona özel bir renk veren kimyasal madde.
- Maddeye rengini veren organik veya inorganik yapı grupları.
- Bitki ve hayvanlarda renk maddesi.
- Eklendiği maddeye rengini verme özelliği olan, suda veya organik çözücülerde çözünmeyen doğal ya da yapay madde.
- Genellikle kuru tuz halinde olan diğer madde ve karışıma renk veren bir sıvı (boya) içerisinde dağıtılmış veya bir katı (örnek, polimer) ile karıştırılmış renkli tanecikler veren madde. En çok bilinen inorganik boyar maddeler; titanyumdioksit (beyaz), demir oksitler (kırmızı, kahverengi), kromatlar (sarı, kırmızı), siyanoferratlar (mavi) ve karbon (siyah). Çözünmeyen boyarlar da pigment olarak kullanılır.
- Dokularda erimiş, granüller veya kristaller h
- Renk maddesi.
- Bk. madensel boyaözü
Any material from which a dye, a paint, or the like, may be prepared; particularly, the refined and purified coloring matter ready for mixing with an appropriate vehicle.
Any one of the colored substances found in animal and vegetable tissues and fluids, as bilirubin, urobilin, chlorophyll, etc.
Organic substance found in plant and animal cells that creates coloring.
The substances that give paint color Pigments are derived from natural or synthetic materials that have been ground into fine powders.
Non-soluble substance used as a colorant Pigments are generally more stable than dyes, but they produce a narrower color gamut.
The dyelike material in cells that provides color to skin, eye and hair.
The ferromagnetic particles in a magnetic stripe are usually called magnetic pigments since they are made in a fashion similar to pigments used in the paint and coloring industries; see Gamma Ferric Oxide, Barium Ferrite and Strontium Ferrite.
Substance that has color in its natural state.
An insoluble finely ground powder, either natural, synthetic, inorganic or organic that provides color, hardness, durability, hiding and corrosion resistance to paint.
Finely ground, natural or synthetic, inorganic or organic, insoluable particles which, when dispersed in a liquid vehicle to make paint, may provide, in addition to color, many of the essential properties of a paint--opacity, hardness, durability, and corrosion resistance.
Colored material, usually a powder or paste, used to color rubber.
Solid colorant used in various inks Unlike dye, this material does not dissolve in the inks solvent but remains a particle Because of this, it gives improved coverage over certain substrates and usually has improved fade resistance.
Finely ground natural or svnthelic, inorganic or organic, insoluable particles which, when dispersed in a liquid vehicle to make paint, may provide, in addition to color, many of the essential properties of a paint - opacity, hardness, durability, and corrosion resistance.
Substance that absorbs light, often selectively.
Powder-form of color that can be combined with an acrylic base for paint or made into a 'pigment dye ' It isn't actually a dye, it sits on the surface of the fibers.
Wine flavored with species and honey.
Dry coloring matter color or dye with a pigment; 'pigment a photograph' acquire pigment; become colored or imbued.
Colored powdered substance that is mixed with a liquid in which it is relatively insoluble.
The substance in paint or anything that absorbs light, producing the same color as the pigment.
Powdered solid in suitable degree of subdivision for use in paint or enamel.
Is a powdered substance that is mixed with liquid and used to impart color to coating materials, such as paint and ink.
Substance that imparts color to fruits and vegetables, and also materials.
Coloured powder mixed with binding agents such as oil, glue, or resin to make paint.
The colouring matter in paint A pigment is different from a dye in that a pigment is insoluble in the media in which it is used.
Insoluble organic or inorganic substance which gives colour to paint when ground and suspended in vehicle such as water or oil Fresco paint is suspended in water and usually made of earth colours such as ochres and other minerals that can withstand the alkaline action of lime.
Finely ground insoluble particles dispersed in coatings to influence properties such as color, corrosion resistance, mechanical strength, hardness, durability, etc Particles may be natural or synthetic and also inorganic or organic.
Dry coloring matter.
Acquire pigment; become colored or imbued.
Color or dye with a pigment; 'pigment a photograph'.
- Renk maddesi, boya maddesi
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Pingere: boyamak
madensel boyaözü
- Yağ ya da öteki boya sıvılarına karıştırıldığında, boyaya rengini veren madensel özdek.
pigment birikimi
- Pigment artışı nedeniyle deri veya dokuda meydana gelen renk koyuluğu veye renk değişikliği, pigment birikimi.
pigment cell
- Renk hücresi