phosphor screen ne demek?

  1. Fosforlanmalı görüntülük


  1. Fosforlanma özelliği taşıyan (özdek).
  2. (en)Phosphorescent, phosphor.
  3. (al)Selbstrahlend
  4. (fr)Phosphorescent

phosphor bronze

  1. Fosfor tuncu

phosphor dot

  1. Renkli benek


  1. Saklamak, gizlemek
  2. Siper etmek
  3. Perde ile ayırmak
  4. Perde, kafes
  5. Paravana, ocak siperi
  6. Bölme, tahta perde
  7. Ekranda göstermek

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

phosphor bronzephosphor dotphosphorphosphoratephosphoratedphosphoremiaphosphorescephosphorescencephosphorescence in the seaphosphorescentphosphoargininephosphocreatinasephosphocreatinephosphodiester linkagephosphodiesterasescreenscreen burnscreen capturescreen clothscreen doorscreen dumpscreen efficiencyscreen fontsscreen for a batteryscreen formatscreescreechscreech of brakesscreech owlscreecher
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