peso ne demek?
- Birçok Güney Amerika devletinde kullanılan para birimi.
The basic unit of money in Guinea-Bissau; equal to 100 centavos.
The basic unit of money in the Dominican Republic; equal to 100 centavos.
The basic unit of money in Cuba; equal to 100 centavos.
The basic unit of money in Colombia; equal to 100 centavos.
The basic unit of money in Chile; equal to 100 centesimos.
Monetary unit used within New Spain, though of different varieties.
Balancing point of a sword.
Silver coin, the principal unit of money in the colonies, weighing about 27 grams.
The monetary unit of Argentina, Chile, Columbia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Republic of the Philippines and Uruguay.
The basic unit of money in Uruguay; equal to 100 centesimos.
The basic unit of money in the Philippines; equal to 100 centavos.
The basic unit of money in Mexico; equal to 100 centavos.
- İspanyolca konuşan bazı memleketlerin para birimi, pesa.
- Pezo [fin.]
- Yenilgiyi kabul ettiğini belirtmek için veya birinin şaşkınlık veren davranışlarına karşılık olarak kullanılan bir söz.
- Hafif, yavaş sesle söylenen, pest, ince karşıtı
- Ayak veya ayak şeklinde yapı.
- Ayak.Dgr.: anat. pes
- Arka, art, geri.
The distal segment of the hind limb of vertebrates, including the tarsus and foot.
Public Expenditure Survey.
Packetized Elementary Stream: In MPEG-2, after the media stream has been digitized and compressed, it is formatted into packets before it is multiplexed into either a Program Stream or Transport Stream.
Promotion Eligibility Status.
Personal Earth Station.
pes abductus
- Talipes valgus