pertaining sports ne demek?

  1. Sportif


  1. Sporla ilgili
  2. (en)Sporting.
  3. (en)Sport.
  4. (en)Sportive.
  5. (en)Pertaining sports.
  6. (en)Sportsmanlike.
  7. (en)Gentlemanly.

pertaining to

  1. Uyan, yakışan

pertaining to a surface

  1. Sathi


  1. Spor

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

pertaining topertaining to a surfacepertaining to a tradepertaining to economicspertaining to healthpertainingpertaining to lifepertaining to mineralspertaining to reactionpertaining to sightpertainpertain tosportssports announcersports arenasports boxersports boxingsports carsports coatsports equipmentsports fansports fumsportsport carsport clubsport coatsport fisherman
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