participant partner ne demek?
- Katılımcı ortak
- Herhangi bir etkinliğe katılan kimse, şirket vb., iştirakçi.
- Herhangi bir toplantıda yöneticiden söz alıp konuşmaya katılan kişi.
participant experiment
- Katılımlı deney
participant observation
- Katılımlı gözlem
- Eş.
- İş arkadaşı, ortak.
- Cinsellikte tarafların her biri.
- Kâğıt oyunlarında ortak.
An associate in any business or occupation; a member of a partnership.
See Partnership.
Framework of heavy timber surrounding an opening in a deck, to strengthen it for the support of a mast, pump, capstan, or the like.
Business associate who shares equity in a firm.
An organization or individual with which/whom the Agency collaborates to achieve mutually agreed upon objectives and to secure participation of ultimate customers Partners include host country governments, private voluntary organizations, indigenous and international non-governmental organizations , universities, other U S Government agencies, United Nations and other multilateral organizations, professional and business associations, and private businesses and individuals.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
participant experimentparticipant observationparticipant subjectparticipantparticipantsparticiparticilikpartnerpartner farepartner hotelpartner in crimepartnershippartnership agreementpartnership certificatepartnership firmpartnership in commendampartnership open companypartpart acceptancepart and parcelpart charterpart company