paraboloid reflector ne demek?

  1. Paraboloid yansitici


  1. (en)Mathematical surface wherein intersections with planes produce parabolas or hyperbolas or ellipses.
  2. Geom
  3. Paraboloit


  1. (en)Mathematical surface wherein intersections with planes produce parabolas or hyperbolas or ellipses.
  2. Geom
  3. Paraboloit

paraboloid head lamp

  1. Palet


  1. Projektör
  2. Bkz. reflektör
  3. Ayna, yansıtıcı
  4. Yansıtaç
  5. Aynalı teleskop
  6. Ses aksettiren cihaz

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

paraboloidparaboloid head lampparaboloid of revolutionparaboloid yansiticiparaboloitparabolparabol biçiminde olanparabol huniparabol pergeliparabolareflectorreflector controlreflector lampreflectometerreflectreflect credit upon smbreflect onreflect poorly onreflect to
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