panel ne demek?
- Dinleyiciler önünde, seçilmiş bir konuşmacı grubunun bir konuyu tartışmak amacıyla düzenlediği toplantı, açık oturum.
- Yerleştirileceği yüzeyin bir bölümüne uyan, çoğunlukla dikdörtgen biçiminde düzgün parça.
Sunken compartment with raised margins, molded or otherwise, as in ceilings, wainscotings, etc.
Piece of parchment or a schedule, containing the names of persons summoned as jurors by the sheriff; hence, more generally, the whole jury.
Prisoner arraigned for trial at the bar of a criminal court.
Formerly, a piece of cloth serving as a saddle; hence, a soft pad beneath a saddletree to prevent chafing.
Board having its edges inserted in the groove of a surrounding frame; as, the panel of a door.
One of the faces of a hewn stone.
Slab or plank of wood upon which, instead of canvas, a picture is painted.
Heap of dressed ore.
One of the districts divided by pillars of extra size, into which a mine is laid off in one system of extracting coal.
Plain strip or band, as of velvet or plush, placed at intervals lengthwise on the skirt of a dress, for ornament.
Portion of a framed structure between adjacent posts or struts, as in a bridge truss.
To form in or with panels; as, to panel a wainscot.
Variation of the quantitative survey approach Where it differs however, is that participants become part of an ongoing process of regular consultation: as a member of a panel they may take part in several surveys or events over the course of a year.
In house construction, a thin flat piece of wood, ply wood, or similar material, framed by stiles and rails as in a door or fitted into grooves of thicker material with molded edges for decorative wall treatment.
Flat, rectangular piece of material that forms part of a wall, door or cabinet Typically made of wood, it is usually framed by a border and either raised or recessed.
In a biplane the outer panel extends from the wing tip to the next row of posts, and is trussed by oblique stay wires.
On a comics page, the individual framed illustrations In some comics, the divisions between the panels is not always clear; panels can be borderless, they can run together, they can be meta-panels comprised of smaller inner-panels there are countless ways in which the layouts can avoid clear-cut panel divisions Most comics, however, are not drawn with these kids of layouts -- most have clearly-defined, framed panels.
Sheet that forms a distinct section or component of something a pad placed under a saddle a group of people gathered for a special purpose as to plan or discuss an issue or judge a contest etc a group of people summoned for jury service decorate with panels; 'panel the walls with wood'.
Group of individuals who are interviewed more than once over time in a longitudinal survey.
Panel discussion.
Wood surface within a surrounding frame All panels have structural frames, the interstices of which are filled with sheets or fields called panels.
Material sized for fabrication of printed circuit boards Panels come in many, many sizes, the most common being 12' by 18' and 18' by 24' Subtract 1/2' to 1' margins from the panel size to arrive at the space available for printed circuitry.
Board set in a frame, it can either be below, or above, or flush with, the face of the frame itself Normally seen in panelled doors and furniture.
List of jurors to serve in a particular Court, or for the trial of a particular action - denotes either the whole body of persons summoned as jurors for a particular term of Court or those selected by the clerk by lot.
The bar at the bottom of the KDE or GNOME desktop that provides quick access to tools and programs.
In appellate cases, a group of judges assigned to decide the case 2 In the jury selection process, the group of potential jurors.
In appellate cases, a group of judges assigned to decide the case The term is used to refer to a group of potential jurors for the jury selection process.
Section or division of a wall, ceiling or a flat piece of building material that forms the part of the surface of a wall, door or cabinet.
Flat rectangular piece of wood set in a frame Panels were popular on the sides of desks, sideboards, and wardrobes, and as doors.
Major component of a sliding glass door, consisting of a light of glass in a frame installed within the main frame of the door A panel may be sliding or fixed.
The smallest unit of time in the game system During one Panel, a character may accomplish one simple action, such as making an attack, lifting a sinking ship, or delivering some dialog More complex actions, such as disarming a complex trap, delivering a monologue, debating a course of action, or laying an ambush, will take multiple Panels.
One page of a brochure, such as one panel of a rack brochure One panel is on one side of the paper A letter-folded sheet has six panels, not three.
Any lay-in acoustical board that is designed for use with an exposed mounting system.
- (-ed, -ing veya -led, -ling) aynalık tahta ile süslemek (kapı)
- Iskoç., huk
- Kapı aynalık tahtası, kapı aynası
- Kadın etekliğini genişletmek için uzunluğuna konan kumaş parçası
- Üzerine resim yapılan ince tahta
- Pano, duvar panosu
- Semerin altına konan keçe, belleme
- Huk
panel area
- Pano alanı
panel board
- Kontrol paneli, tahta tuval