orgcu ne demek?
- Org çalan sanatçı.
- Klavyeli büyük ve küçük borulardan yapılmış, körüklerden elde edilen havanın bu borulardan geçmesiyle değişik ses tonları verebilen, genellikle kilise çalgısı, erganun.
Pipe organ erganun.
The top-level domain originally intended for non-profit organizations, but anyone may now register a domain ending in org.
Domain name suffix denoting an abbreviation for organization Internet sites which don't fall into any other category are given the domain name of org Org usually indicates that the site belongs to a non-profit, non-governmental organization.
Suffix indicating a non-profit organization domain.
Non-profit organization.
Org is a global TLD that was originally intended for not-for-profit organizations Currently, any individual or organization can register a domain name in the org Top Level Domain.
Organizational structure diagram; represents the structure of organizational units , positions, resources, etc ; used in business modeling.
In the 'org' sub-domain;.
- Orgcu olma durumu.
- Klavyeli büyük ve küçük borulardan yapılmış, körüklerden elde edilen havanın bu borulardan geçmesiyle değişik ses tonları verebilen, genellikle kilise çalgısı, erganun.
Pipe organ erganun.
The top-level domain originally intended for non-profit organizations, but anyone may now register a domain ending in org.
Domain name suffix denoting an abbreviation for organization Internet sites which don't fall into any other category are given the domain name of org Org usually indicates that the site belongs to a non-profit, non-governmental organization.
Suffix indicating a non-profit organization domain.
Non-profit organization.
Org is a global TLD that was originally intended for not-for-profit organizations Currently, any individual or organization can register a domain name in the org Top Level Domain.
Organizational structure diagram; represents the structure of organizational units , positions, resources, etc ; used in business modeling.
In the 'org' sub-domain;.