optimal ne demek?
- Optimum
- En uygun
- En etkili olan
- İdeal
Best or most favorable.
Pertaining to a trajectory, path, or control motion, one that minimizes or maximizes some quantity or combination of quantities such as fuel, time, energy, distance, heat transfer, etc This optimum condition, or path, is commonly calculated by a type of mathematics known as calculus of variations.
Most favorable or desireable.
That mechanism which results in the greatest net gain for the designated economic agent The seller's net gain might be defined in terms of the speed with which the good is sold or the total price received.
The algorithm that produces the best results The optimal algorithm might not be achievable, but stating the results gives a bound for all other algorithms and measures their quality.
Most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied; 'an optimum return on capital'; 'optimal concentration of a drug'.
- En uygun, optimum
Optimus: en iyi
- En elverişli, en iyi olan, optimal.
- Bir organizmanın tam gelişmesi için en uygun bir seri çevre faktörü.
- En iyi cevabın elde edildiği nokta.
- En elverişli durum (sıcaklık, nem, ışık vb.).
- Herhangi bir organizmanın büyümesine en elverişli olan sıcaklık, ışık veya gıda v.s. nin yeterli miktarda olması, en uygun, en iyi, optimal.
Most favorable condition or greatest degree or amount possible under given circumstances most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied; 'an optimum return on capital'; 'optimal concentration of a drug'.
State that is the best fit for the current situation, the top of the local fitness landscape All minor changes make the solution worst.
The level of an abiotic factor or condition in the environment within the tolerance range at which a species or population can function most efficiently or with the greatest positive effect to its physiological or reproductive fitness.
Optimal , optimum.
optimal approximation
- En iyi yaklaşıklama
- Optimal yaklaşıklama
optimal control
- En iyi denetim
- Optimal kontrol