operations maintenance army ne demek?
- Oma
- Yunanca tümör anlamında kullanılan son ek
- Kalça kemiği.
- Bel kemiği.
Object Management Architecture: a set of standards under study by OMG, on which CORBA is based.
Operations Maintenance Army.
OMG's specifications for standard service-level APIs, to make applications easier and quicker to implement.
Suffix meaning tumor of.
Suffix used in medical terms to denote a morbid condition of some part, usually some kind of tumor; as in fibroma, glaucoma.
Object Management Architecture.
- İcraat
- İşlemler
operations analysis
- İşlem çözümlemesi
- Yöneylem araştırması
- Koruma
- Bakım, onarım
- Bakım işi
- İdame, muhafaza
- İddia, teyit
- Himaye
- Maişet, yiyecek
- Nafaka, geçindirme
- Ordu
- Kara ordusu
- Topluluk, kalabalık
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
operationsoperations analysisoperations pipeline unified systemoperations researchoperationoperation codeoperation cycleoperation for appendicitisoperation of a canteenoperaticoperaticallyoperaticsoperatifoperatif şokoperateoperate inoperate on s.o.operate tooperatedmaintenancemaintenance allowancemaintenance chargesmaintenance checkmaintenance contractmaintenance costmaintenance costsmaintenance dosemaintenance facilitymaintenance man