opera composer ne demek?
- Opera bestecisi
- Sözlerinin bütünü veya çoğu şarkılı olarak söylenen müzikli tiyatro eseri
- Bu eseri oynayan sanatçı topluluğu.
- Böyle eserlerin oynandığı yapı.
Dramatic work in one or more acts, set to music for singers and instrumentalists.
Drama that is sung.
Acronym for Observatoire Permanent de l'Atlantique Tropical.
Pearl necklace that is 28-32 inches in length.
One of the important music drama genres, usually featuring a full orchestra, several soloists, and sometimes a chorus More often than is the case with musical theater, operas have virtually continuous singing, no spoken dialog.
This is the generic term for musical dramatic works in which the actors sing some or all their parts.
opera comique
- Operakomik
opera cloak
- Pelerin (bayan), gece elbisesi ile giyilen pelerin
- Kompozitör
- Besteci, bestekar
- Yazar, yaratıcı
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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