ole ne demek?
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Gözler kamaştıran şala, meftun eden güle / Her kalbi dolduran zile, her sineden ole!
Y. K. Beyatlı - Aromatik eterlerin özel isimlendirilmelerinde kullanılan son ek, anisole (metil fenil eter) gibi.
Object Linking and Embedding A Microsoft Windows technology for presenting applications as objects within other applications and hence to extend the apparent functionality of the host application Now on version.
Technology for transferring and sharing information among applications OLE lets an author invoke different editor components to create a compound document.
Acronym for object linking and embedding A technology for transferring and sharing information among applications When an object is embedded in a compound document, the document contains a copy of the object; any changes made to the contents of the original object will not be seen in the compound document unless the embedded object is updated.
An object system created by Microsoft OLE lets the author appeal different editor components to create a composite document See also ActiveX.
Abbreviation for Object Linking and Embedding, OLE is a compound document standard developed by Microsoft It enables you to create objects with one application and then link or embed them in a second application Embedded objects retain their original format and links to the application that created them Part of Microsoft's Active X technologies A competing compound document standard is called OpenDoc.
Object linking and embedding, allows creation of compound documents where parts of the document have been created using different applications.
This refers to Object Linking and Embedding This is the capability introduced with Windows 3 1 that gives all Windows applications a standard way of incorporating objects created in other Windows programs When you link an object between two documents, changes made to that object in one document automatically will be made in the other.
An object system created by Microsoft OLE lets an author invoke different editor components to create a compound document.
OLE is a Microsoft Windows term for linking an object with the application that created it Double clicking on the object icon will automatically start up the application where the object was created and loads the object file.
Acroynm for object linking and embedding.
An object system created by Microsoft OLE lets the author invoke different editor components to create a compound document.
Object Linking and Embedding.
Object Linking and Embedding; an object system created by Microsoft OLE lets the author invoke different editor components to crate a compound document.
Object Linking and Embedding, Microsoft's proprietary mechanism for allowing documents and applications to access data and subroutines from within other applications OLE is itself built on top of COE OLE is a major component of ActiveX, and sees some minimal use in linking data across applications [Buy the Book].
Object Linking and Embedding An object is a block of code that may be embedded in another program OLE allows an Excel file to be embedded in a Word document Both Excel and its datafile are actually running within Word.
Object Linking and Embedding The part of ActiveX that supports object linking and embedding.
Object Linking and Embedding A way to have software products work together and for instance embed a graph into a word processing document Kind of a live link between two applications.
Object Linking and Embedding A Microsoft Corp software technology that allows Windows programs to exchange information and work together For instance, a word processing document with OLE capabilities could contain a link to a chart created in a spreadsheet Version 2 0 of OLE was released in the Windows 95 operating system OLE means tying one piece of information in one form into a document in another form, such that a change in one piece of information will be automatically reflected in the other document.
Object Linking and Embedding developed by Microsoft Allows objects from one application to be embedded within another ArcView Version 2 does not support the still evolving OLE standard Instead, it supports DDE OLE support is planned for future releases of ArcView.
Object Linking and Embedding A feature of windows that allows information to be shared between applications as objects.
Object Linking and Embedding Method by which applications can share information.
Object Linking and Embedding A Microsoft technology that gives programs a standard way to incorporate objects, such as graphics and spreadsheet charts, into documents Objects can be embedded into documents or merely linked.
Abbreviation of Object Linking and Embedding, pronounced as separate letters or as oh-leh OLE is a compound document standard developed by Microsoft Corporation It enables you to create objects with one application and then link or embed them in a second application Embedded objects retain their original format and links to the application that created them Support for OLE is built into the Windows and Macintosh operating systems A competing compound document standard developed jointly by IBM, Apple Computer, and other computer firms is called OpenDoc.
Object Link and Embedding The specification that details the implementation of Windows Objects, and the interprocess communication that supports them.
Object Linking and Embedding Microsoft replaced DDE with OLE, a more robust means of integrating applications DDE allowed 'live links' between copied data in different applications or on different systems, but DDE-enabled applications had to know everything about the data format to work properly OLE lets users copy objects between applications, with each object containing enough information about its format and its creation application to work in a variety of OLE-enabled applications For instance, clicking an OLE image in a word processing document activates the application the image was created in OLE 2 0 takes OLE even further by allowing in-place editing Instead of starting an entire new application when an OLE object is activated, the user simply sees a new set of tools or menu items.
- Ole
ole client
- Gömülü nesne formundan bilgi alabilen uygulama
ole object
- OLE standartına göre transfer edilen bilgi nesnesi