oh ne demek?

  1. Sevinç, beğenme, hayranlık, rahatlama vb. duyguları belirten bir söz

    Oh, hele şükür! Hepsinin ellerinden kurtulduk.

    A. Ş. Hisar
  2. (en)An exclamation expressing various emotions, according to the tone and manner, especially surprise, pain, sorrow, anxiety, or a wish.
  3. (en)See the Note under.
  4. (en)Ouch.
  5. (en)Midwestern state in north central United States in the Great Lakes region.
  6. (en)Off Hook This is one of the LED indicators found on external modems It indicates that the modem is not connected to a working phone line.
  7. (en)The Single UNIX Specification has historically tried to reduce the number of headers an application has had to include when using a particular interface Sometimes this was fewer than the base standard, and hence a notation is used to flag which headers are optional if you are using a system supporting the XSI extension.
  8. (en)Hydroxyl radical.
  10. (en)Observation helicopter.
  11. (en)Overhead.
  12. (en)Flow, sew.
  13. (en)Organic silt; organic silt clay of low plasticity.
  14. Ohio.
  15. Ünlem Öyle mi ? Ya ! Sahi ! (şaşkınlık ifade eden kelime), bak.
  16. Aman!, o!, ey!


  1. ŞŸu an anlıyorum ki sen haklısın, OIC (İnternet sohbet jargonu)

oh boy

  1. Inanamıyorum, aman Tanrım! (şŸaşŸkınlık, hayal kırıklığŸı veya heyecan belirten haykırışŸ)

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

oh oh boyoh çekmeoh çekmekoh dearoh dear what a messoh dear, what a messoh dear!oh demekoh goshoo henryo ağır yaralıo anda söylemeko anda uydurmak
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