officer candidate expediency tests ne demek?
- Bir askerin subay olmak için uygun olup olmadığını belirlemek amacıyla yapılan testler serisi
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officer cadet
- Harp okulu öğrencisi, askeri öğrenci
- Talip
- Aday, namzet
- Yol, çare
- Uygunluk, çıkar
- Menfaat
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
officerofficer cadetofficer candidateofficer candidate academic studies programofficer corpsofficer de factoofficer de jureofficer in chargeofficer of healthofficer of stateofficeoffice actionoffice automationoffice beareroffice blockcandidatecandidate for a postcandidate for nominationcandidate for the premiershipcandidate for the presidencycandidatescandidateshipcandidacandida albicansCandida kefyrCandida lipolyticaCandida mycodermacandidcandid cameracandid eyecandid photographcandid shot