notebook computer ne demek?
- Çanta ile taşınabilen ve her yerde çalıştırılabilen hafif bilgisayar
- Notebook bilgisayar
- Not defteri
- Muhtıra defteri, defter
notebook for rough drafts
- Karalama defteri
- Bilgisayar; elektronik beyin
- Kompüter, hesap eden kimse
- Elektronik hesap makinası,elektronik beyin
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
notebooknotebook for rough draftsnotenote downnote of handnote of salenote papercomputercomputer abusecomputer accessorycomputer addictcomputer aidedcomputer aided animationcomputer aided designcomputer aided educationcomputer aided engineeringcomputer aided instructioncomputecompute boundcompute modecompute tocomputed