nerve fiber ne demek?
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- Duyu ve hareket uyarılarını beyinden organlara, organlardan beyne ileten beyazımsı teller ve bu tellerin oluşturduğu demet
- Rahatsız edici, hastalık derecesine varan özellik.
- Herhangi bir şey, bir olay karşısında tepki gösterme duyarlığı ve kişinin ruhsal niteliği
- Hoşa gitmeyen, can sıkan.
- Kas kirişi ve zarı.
- Birçoksinir telinin bir araya gelmesi ile oluşan yapı.
- Duyu ve hareket uyartılarını beyinden organlara, organlardan beyine ileten beyazımsı teller ve bu tellerin oluşturduğu demet.
nerve fibre
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nerve agent
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- Sıkıştırılmış bitki tellerinden yapılmış mukavva veya tahta.
- Sinir veya kas lifi
- Humma.
General name for the raw material, such as cotton, flax, hemp, etc., used in textile manufactures.
Leatherlike material made by compressing layers of paper or cloth a slender and greatly elongated solid substance.
An optical fiber transmits information using light waves, rather than electrons as in copper wires An optical fiber consists of a thin core, which carries the light signal, surrounded by a thicker transparent cladding, which keeps the light within the core Typically, a fiber core is made of glass, but plastics are used for short distance applications The fiber is protected by a soft buffer, which, in turn, is protected by a hard jacket Several fibers may be bundled into a single jacket Light-emitting diodes or lasers transmit light through the fiber core See Multimode Fiber, Single-Mode Fiber.
Fiber is an ingredient in edible plants that aids in digestion Fiber helps keep the stool soft, and keeps it traveling easily through the intestine Fiber is found in vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains.
Refers to the fiber optic cable used to carry high volumes of data in the form of light pulses Fiber optic cable forms the backbone of networks such as the one Conxion uses to connect datacenters around the world.
Shortened term for 'fiber optic,' fiber is made of very pure glass Digital signals, in form of modulated light, travel on strands of fiber for long distances Fiber can carry far, far more information over much, much longer distances than traditional copper Low data loss, high-speed transmission, large bandwidth, small physical size, light weight and freedom from electromagnetic interference and grounding problems are some of the advantages of fiber optic cable There are five common types: single, dual, quad, stranded and ribbon.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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